No. 33 for 2014

Title: Keep Quiet
Author:  Lisa Scottoline
Book: 33/50
Pages: 333 pgs
Total Pages: 12,744/15,000 pages
Library Book?: Yes
No. of Library Books read:
Version: Book
Next up: Vicious by V.E. Schwab

This book. You need to read this book (or anything by Scottoline for that matter) if you enjoy a good mystery that will keep you turning the pages until the very end. There was a few times I had to put the book down in disbelief of just how bad things were getting for the main characters.  I loved this book and Scottoline is one of my favourite authors now.

About the Book:

Jake Buckman’s relationship with his sixteen-year-old son Ryan is not an easy one, so at the urging of his loving wife, Pam, Jake goes alone to pick up Ryan at their suburban movie theater.

On the way home, Ryan asks to drive on a deserted road, and Jake sees it as a chance to make a connection. However, what starts as a father-son bonding opportunity instantly turns into a nightmare. Tragedy strikes, and with Ryan’s entire future hanging in the balance, Jake is forced to make a split-second decision that plunges them both into a world of guilt and lies. Without ever meaning to, Jake and Ryan find themselves living under the crushing weight of their secret, which threatens to tear their family to shreds and ruin them all.


No. 32 for 2014

Title: Everything to Lose
Author:  Andrew Gross
Book: 32/50
Pages: 325 pgs
Total Pages: 12,411/15,000 pages
Library Book?: Yes
No. of Library Books read:
Version: Book
Next up: Keep Quiet by Lisa Scottoline

I really enjoyed this book! I found that it grabbed me from the very first page and I could not put it down! I loved the characters and the plot and I really think that Gross is an author to watch. I’m glad that he was able to get out from under James Patterson’s shadow and break out on his own.

The only thing I did not like about the book was the ending. Things were wrapped a little too nicely for my liking which made it a tad unbelievable.

About the Book:

While driving along a suburban back road, Hilary Blum, who’s just lost her job and whose deadbeat husband has left her alone to care for her son with Asperger’s, witnesses a freakish accident. A car ahead of her careens down a hill and slams into a tree. Stopping to help, she discovers the driver dead–and a satchel stuffed with a half a million dollars.

That money could prevent her family’s ruin and keep her special needs son in school. In an instant, this honest, achieving woman who has always done the responsible thing makes a decision that puts her in the center of maelstrom of dark consequences and life-threatening recriminations–a terrifying scheme involving a twenty-year-old murder, an old woman who’s life has been washed out to sea, and a powerful figure bent to keep the secret that can destroy him hidden.

With everything to lose, everything she loves, Hilary connects to a determined cop from Staten Island, reeling from the disaster of Sandy, to bring down an enemy who will stop at nothing to keep what that money was meant to silence, still buried.


Bout of Books 10.0 Readathon TBR!

Tomorrow starts the Bout of Books 10.0 Readathon! I’ve never participated in a readathon before but I’m super excited!

I’m afraid that my TBR list is going to be quite smaller than everyone else’s is likely to be. This is because I work full time which makes it a little difficult for me to find more time to devote to reading this week. I think most of my reading will likely get done on the weekend but we’ll see.

It’s my hope to finish three books this week from start to finish and finishing the book that I’m currently just halfway through now. So here is my Bout of Books 10.0 Readathon TBR List:

1. Everything to Lose by Andrew Gross (this is the book that I am half way through right now);
2. Keep Quiet by Lisa Scottoline;
3. Vicious by Victoria Schwab;
4. Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins.

I’m keeping my list short. I still think that it’s going to be a stretch to read three full books this week (I average about two a week) but I’m going to try my hardest and see how it goes! I’m very excited to start the Readathon. I’m going to post my results at the end of the week with page counts and such just as a way for me to do an overall look back on the week!

Are you participating in the Bout of Books 10.0 Readathon? How many books do you hope to read this week?

Bout of Books 10 Readathon!

Bout of Books


I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of participating in a readathon and I have heard of the Bout of Books Readathon thanks to booktubers over on YouTube so I thought I’d give it a go this year! I’ m super excited! I’m not sure of the books that I plan to read for the readathon but I still have some time to come up with a game plan. Hopefully this readathon will help me get some of the books I have checked off of my TBR list.

Information on the Bout of Books Readathon:

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 12th and runs through Sunday, May 18th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 10 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. – From the Bout of Books team