No. 48 for 2016!

Title: Bullseye (Michael Bennett #9)
Author: James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge
Rating: 3/5
Book: 48/50
Pages:  339 pgs
Total Pages: 18,695
Version: Book
Next up: Missing (Private #12) by James Patterson and Kathryn Fox

This book was just okay. Lots of filler and like 5 pages of real action. Things resolved to easily to wrap the story up in a nice bow and of course Bennett always comes out on top. That being said, it was still an enjoyable read even it was predictable.

About the Book: 

Tensions between America and Russia are the highest they’ve been since the Cold War. As the countries’ Presidents travel to the United Nations to iron out their differences, a fashionable husband and wife team of lethal assassins prowls the streets of Manhattan hunting their prey–a professor hiding a scandalous secret. Their next target: the extremely popular President of the United States of America. Pulled away from his family and pressed into service, Detective Michael Bennett must trace the source of a threat that could rip the country apart–and what he finds may turn the Cold War red hot once again. With allegiances constantly in doubt and no one above suspicion, only Bennett can step into the line of fire to save the President before the deadly kill shot hits its mark.

No. 47 for 2017!

Title: Bound to Darkness (Midnight Breed #13)
Author: Laura Adrian
Rating: 3/5
Book: 47/50
Pages:  298 pgs
Total Pages: 18,356
Version: Book
Next up: Bullseye (Michael Bennett #9) by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge

Good book but not my favourite of the series. Personally, I think it may be time for Adrian to start winding down the series.

About the Book: 

Carys Chase is accustomed to making her own rules and letting her heart lead the way–no matter what anyone else has to say about it. A rare Breed female and a daywalker as well, headstrong, beautiful Carys is one of the most powerful of her kind. She lives passionately and loves without limits, especially when it comes to the lethal cage-fighting Breed warrior called Rune.

Unbeatable in the ring, Rune exists in a brutal world of blood and bone and death. He’s made his share of enemies both in and out of the arena, and his secrets run as deep and turbulent as his past. A dangerous loner who has survived by his fists and fangs, Rune has never allowed anyone to get too close to him…until Carys. But when the bodies buried in his past rise up to threaten his present, Rune must choose between betraying Carys’s trust or putting her in the crosshairs of a battle neither of them can hope to win on their own.

No. 46 for 2016!

Title: The Girl on the Train
Author: Paula Hawkins
Rating: 4/5
Book: 46/50
Pages:  336 pgs
Total Pages: 18,058
Version: Book
Next up: Graceling (Graceling Realm #1) by Kristin Cashore

I really enjoyed this book. It took me until about half way through the book before it really grabbed me but I found that this book kept me guessing until the end.

About the Book: 

Rachel takes the same commuter train every morning and night. Every day she rattles down the track, flashes past a stretch of cozy suburban homes, and stops at the signal that allows her to daily watch the same couple breakfasting on their deck. She’s even started to feel like she knows them. Jess and Jason, she calls them. Their life—as she sees it—is perfect. Not unlike the life she recently lost.

And then she sees something shocking. It’s only a minute until the train moves on, but it’s enough. Now everything’s changed. Unable to keep it to herself, Rachel goes to the police. But is she really as unreliable as they say? Soon she is deeply entangled not only in the investigation but in the lives of everyone involved. Has she done more harm than good?

No. 45 for 2016!

Title: The Trial (Women’s Murder Club #15.5)
Author: James Patterson & Maxine Paetro
Rating: 3/5
Book: 45/50
Pages:  110 pgs
Total Pages: 17,722
Version: Book
Next up: Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

Enjoyable enough but I don’t think it added anything to the story. I’m also not a fan of these “bookshots” I think it’s just another money grab. I wouldn’t have read this one had I not been able to get it from the library.

About the Book: 

An accused murderer called Kingfisher is about to go on trial for his life. Or is he? By unleashing unexpected violence on the lawyers, jurors, and police involved in the case, he has paralyzed the city. Detective Lindsay Boxer and the Women’s Murder Club are caught in the eye of the storm.

Now comes a courtroom shocker you will never see coming.


No. 44 for 2016!

Title: This Savage Song (Monsters of Verity #1)
Author: Victoria Schwab
Rating: 4/5
Book: 44/50
Pages:  427 pgs
Total Pages: 17,612
Version: Book
Next up: The Trial (Women’s Murder Club #15.5) by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro

I really enjoyed this book and I can’t wait to read the next installment. This book also had zero romance, no insta-love and no love triangle. It was very refreshing considering that is a common theme throughout YA.

About the Book: 

There’s no such thing as safe in a city at war, a city overrun with monsters. In this dark urban fantasy from author Victoria Schwab, a young woman and a young man must choose whether to become heroes or villains—and friends or enemies—with the future of their home at stake. The first of two books.

Kate Harker and August Flynn are the heirs to a divided city—a city where the violence has begun to breed actual monsters. All Kate wants is to be as ruthless as her father, who lets the monsters roam free and makes the humans pay for his protection. All August wants is to be human, as good-hearted as his own father, to play a bigger role in protecting the innocent—but he’s one of the monsters. One who can steal a soul with a simple strain of music. When the chance arises to keep an eye on Kate, who’s just been kicked out of her sixth boarding school and returned home, August jumps at it. But Kate discovers August’s secret, and after a failed assassination attempt the pair must flee for their lives.

No. 38 for 2016!

Title: Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1)
Author: Cassandra Clare
Rating: 4/5
Book: 38/50
Pages:  670 pgs
Total Pages: 15,313
Version: Book
Next up: Damaged by Lisa Scottoline

Loved it. I need more now!

About the Book: 

n a secret world where half-angel warriors are sworn to fight demons, parabatai is a sacred word.

A parabatai is your partner in battle. A parabatai is your best friend. Parabatai can be everything to each other—but they can never fall in love.

Emma Carstairs is a warrior, a Shadowhunter, and the best in her generation. She lives for battle. Shoulder to shoulder with her parabatai, Julian Blackthorn, she patrols the streets of Los Angeles, where vampires party on the Sunset Strip, and faeries—the most powerful of supernatural creatures—teeter on the edge of open war with Shadowhunters. When the bodies of humans and faeries turn up murdered in the same way Emma’s parents were when she was a child, an uneasy alliance is formed. This is Emma’s chance for revenge—and Julian’s chance to get back his brother Mark, who is being held prisoner by the faerie Courts. All Emma, Mark, and Julian have to do is solve the murders within two weeks…and before the murderer targets them.

Their search takes Emma from sea caves full of sorcery to a dark lottery where death is dispensed. And each clue she unravels uncovers more secrets. What has Julian been hiding from her all these years? Why does Shadowhunter Law forbid parabatai to fall in love? Who really killed her parents—and can she bear to know the truth?

No. 37 for 2016!

Title: The Games (Private #11)
Author: James Patterson and Mark Sullivan
Rating: 4/5
Book: 37/50
Pages:  366 pgs
Total Pages: 14,643/15,000 pages
Version: Book
Next up: Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1) by Cassandra Clare

This was another action packed Private novel. I highly recommend to those who like Patterson’s other novels.

About the Book: 

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil–home to beautiful white-sand beaches, gorgeous women, stunning natural beauty, and the world’s largest Carnival celebration–knows how to throw a party. So it’s a natural choice to host the biggest spectacles in sports–the World Cup and the Olympics. To ensure that the games go off without a hitch, the organizers turn to Jack Morgan, the unflappable head of the renowned international security and consulting firm Private. But when events are this exclusive, someone’s bound to get left off the guest list.

Two years after the action nearly spilled from the field to the stands during soccer’s championship match, Jack is back in Rio for the Olympics. But before the cauldron is even lit, the only thing more intense than the competition is the security risks. When prominent clients he’s supposed to be protecting disappear, and bodies mysteriously start to litter the streets, Jack is drawn deep into the heart of a ruthless underworld populated by disaffected residents trying to crash the world’s biggest party. As the opening ceremonies near, with the world watching in horror, Jack must sprint to the finish line to defuse a threat that could decimate Rio and turn the games from a joyous celebration into a deadly spectacle.

No. 36 for 2016!

Title: Tomorrow, When the War Began (Tomorrow #1)
Author: John Marsden
Rating: 4/5
Book: 36/50
Pages:  277 pgs
Total Pages: 14,277/15,000 pages
Version: Book
Next up: The Games (Private #11) by James Patterson and Mark Sullivan

I enjoyed this book. Will likely read more in the series.

About the Book: 

When Ellie and her friends return from a camping trip in the Australian bush, they find things hideously wrong — their families are gone. Gradually they begin to comprehend that their country has been invaded and everyone in their town has been taken prisoner. As the reality of the situation hits them, they must make a decision — run and hide, give themselves up and be with their families, or fight back.

No. 35 for 2016!

Title: First Comes Love
Author: Emily Giffin
Rating: 3/5
Book: 35/50
Pages:  380 pgs
Total Pages: 14,000/15,000 pages
Version: Book
Next up: Tomorrow, When the War Began (Tomorrow #1) by John Marsden

This was an okay book. It seemed to drag on in parts but it was still an enjoyable read for what it is.

About the Book: 

Growing up, Josie and Meredith Garland shared a loving, if sometimes contentious relationship. Josie was impulsive, spirited, and outgoing; Meredith hardworking, thoughtful, and reserved. When tragedy strikes their family, their different responses to the event splinter their delicate bond.

Fifteen years later, Josie and Meredith are in their late thirties, following very different paths. Josie, a first grade teacher, is single—and this close to swearing off dating for good. What she wants more than the right guy, however, is to become a mother—a feeling that is heightened when her ex-boyfriend’s daughter ends up in her class. Determined to have the future she’s always wanted, Josie decides to take matters into her own hands.

On the outside, Meredith is the model daughter with the perfect life. A successful attorney, she’s married to a wonderful man, and together they’re raising a beautiful four-year-old daughter. Yet lately, Meredith feels dissatisfied and restless, secretly wondering if she chose the life that was expected of her rather than the one she truly desired.

As the anniversary of their tragedy looms and painful secrets from the past begin to surface, Josie and Meredith must not only confront the issues that divide them, but also come to terms with their own choices. In their journey toward understanding and forgiveness, both sisters discover they need each other more than they knew . . . and that in the recipe for true happiness, love always comes first.

No. 34 for 2016!

Title: The Pursuit (Fox and O’Hare #5)
Author: Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg
Rating: 4/5
Book: 34/50
Pages:  320 pgs
Total Pages: 13,620/15,000 pages
Version: Book
Next up: First Comes Love by Emily Giffin

This series a guilty pleasure.  I love Nick. If you like Evanovich’s other novels, you should definitely give this series a go.

About the Book: 

Nicolas Fox, international con man, thief, and one of the top ten fugitives on the FBI’s most-wanted list, has been kidnapped from a beachfront retreat in Hawaii. What the kidnapper doesn’t know is that Nick Fox has been secretly working for the FBI. It isn’t long before Nick’s covert partner, Special Agent Kate O’Hare, is in hot pursuit of the crook who stole her con man.

The trail leads to Belgium, France, and Italy, and pits Nick and Kate against their deadliest adversary yet: Dragan Kovic, an ex–Serbian military officer. He’s plotting a crime that will net him billions . . . and cost thousands of American lives.

Nick and Kate have to mount the most daring, risky, and audacious con they’ve ever attempted to save a major U.S. city from a catastrophe of epic proportions. Luckily they have the help of an eccentric out-of-work actor, a bandit who does his best work in the sewers, and Kate’s dad, Jake. The pressure’s on for Nick and Kate to make this work—even if they have to lay their lives on the line.