Reading Habits Tag

Question #1: Do you have a certain place at home for reading?

At home, I usually curl up on the living room couch with a blanket and a cup of tea or coffee. Usually I will be surrounded by my animals and I will have to balance my book on my cat after she curls up on my lap. Sometimes I want to get out of the house and I will go to Starbucks and buy a mocha and sit there and read. I like to read in bed before I fall asleep but I generally don’t get much more than a paragraph or two read before falling asleep. Apparently I can’t lie down and read without falling asleep.

Question #2: Bookmark or a random piece of paper?

Bookmark. I always keep a small collection as I’m forever losing them. I think most of my bookmarks get returned with library books.

Question #3: Can you stop reading anytime you want or do you have to stop at a certain page, chapter, part, ect.?

I like to finish at the end of a chapter. If I have to stop in the middle of a chapter, I’ll look for a paragraph break or something along those lines.

Question #4: Do you eat or drink while reading?


Question #5: Can you read while listening to music/watching TV?

Depends. If I’m having a case of the Shiny-Syndrome, I need complete silence. Other times I’m perfectly fine with the background noise. When I was in college, I’d often have a movie playing while I studied/did homework just for the background noise. I find if I have music playing, it has to be the radio as opposed to my iPod as when I’m playing my iPod, it’s all of my favourite songs so I feel more inclined to pay more attention to the music. If it’s just the radio, I can ignore it.

Question #6: One book at a time, or several at once?

As a kid, I’d have multiple books on the go. As I grew older, I became more of a one book at a time reader. Right now though, I have two books on the go. I’m reading the second book in the Game of Thrones series and I’m also reading Cress. The Game of Thrones book is quite lengthy so I’m dividing it up and reading it over the course of a month.

Question #7: Reading at home or everywhere?

My book follows me everywhere. If I have 5 minutes to read, I’ll read.

Question #8: Reading out loud or silently in your head?

I read silently to myself. I do sometimes read to my animals if I have the house to myself. I’m a nerd like that! XD

Question #9: Do you read ahead or skip pages?

Never.  I avoid spoilers as much as I can. I don’t even like flipping through the pages quickly because I fear seeing a spoiler.

Question #10: Breaking the spine or keeping it new?

Keeping it new. Breaking the spine is book abuse!

Question #11: Do you write in books?

I don’t. The only books I have ever written in were my college text books and even then it took me 3 semesters to actually do so.

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