No. 22 for 2014

Title: Black Horizon
Author:  James Grippando
Book: 22/50
Pages: 389 pgs
Total Pages: 8,493/15,000 pages
Library Book?: Yes
No. of Library Books read: 
Version: Book
Next up: NYPD Red by James Patterson and Marshall Karp

Grippando is an author that I have always enjoyed reading and I always look forward to his new books.

That being said, there was something lacking about this book. While it was still good and full of everything I enjoy about a Swyteck book, this one felt a little forced. There were parts that dragged little bit and the ending was too rushed. Everything was wrapped up with a bow in the last 15 pages or so. Still doesn’t discourage me from continuing on with the series.

About the Book:

Three summers after the Deepwater catastrophe-the biggest man-made environmental disaster in history-oil is again spewing into the ocean, from a drilling explosion in Cuban waters just 50 miles away from the Florida Keys. The situation is politically complex, involving a state-run consortium tied to the Venezuelan, Chinese, and Russian governments, and highly volatile. The Cubans not only refuse offers of American assistance, but threaten to fire on “hostile” U.S. vessels that enter their waters.

Attorney Jack Swyteck and his new wife, Andie, an operative for the CIA, are honeymooning in the Keys when Andie is called away on an undercover assignment. Jack, too, is soon back at work-representing a client whose husband was on the rig. Though the spill occurred in foreign territory, the widow wants Jack to file a wrongful death suit in U.S. court. Pursuing the unimaginably complicated case plunges Jack into a dangerous world filled with treacherous twists that lead him to a shocking realization . . . his case and Andie’s assignment may be lethally connected.

No. 21 for 2014

Title: Cress (The Lunar Chronicles #3)
Author:  Marissa Meyer
Book: 21/50
Pages: 550 pgs
Total Pages: 8,104/15,000 pages
Library Book?: Yes
No. of Library Books read:
Version: Book
Next up: Black Horizon by James Grippando

This series gets better and better with every book. It has been my general consensus with other series that the first book is the strongest in the series and the subsequent books decline in quality. This is so not the case for these books. I could not put this book down at all. I generally do not flip ahead to pre-read some pages in books but this book was so intense that I found myself sneaking a peek at pages because I couldn’t handle not knowing the result.

If you haven’t checked this series out and you love a good sci-fi/fantasy/fairy tale re-telling (but not really a fairy tale re-telling), you definitely have to check these books out!

About the Book:

Cinder and Captain Thorne are fugitives on the run, with Scarlet and Wolf in tow. Together, they’re plotting to overthrow Queen Levana and her army.Their best hope lies with Cress, who has been trapped on a satellite since childhood with only her netscreens as company. All that screen time has made Cress an excellent hacker—unfortunately, she’s just received orders from Levana to track down Cinder and her handsome accomplice.When a daring rescue goes awry, the group is separated. Cress finally has her freedom, but it comes at a high price. Meanwhile, Queen Levana will let nothing stop her marriage to Emperor Kai. Cress, Scarlet, and Cinder may not have signed up to save the world, but they may be the only ones who can.

Reading Habits Tag

Question #1: Do you have a certain place at home for reading?

At home, I usually curl up on the living room couch with a blanket and a cup of tea or coffee. Usually I will be surrounded by my animals and I will have to balance my book on my cat after she curls up on my lap. Sometimes I want to get out of the house and I will go to Starbucks and buy a mocha and sit there and read. I like to read in bed before I fall asleep but I generally don’t get much more than a paragraph or two read before falling asleep. Apparently I can’t lie down and read without falling asleep.

Question #2: Bookmark or a random piece of paper?

Bookmark. I always keep a small collection as I’m forever losing them. I think most of my bookmarks get returned with library books.

Question #3: Can you stop reading anytime you want or do you have to stop at a certain page, chapter, part, ect.?

I like to finish at the end of a chapter. If I have to stop in the middle of a chapter, I’ll look for a paragraph break or something along those lines.

Question #4: Do you eat or drink while reading?


Question #5: Can you read while listening to music/watching TV?

Depends. If I’m having a case of the Shiny-Syndrome, I need complete silence. Other times I’m perfectly fine with the background noise. When I was in college, I’d often have a movie playing while I studied/did homework just for the background noise. I find if I have music playing, it has to be the radio as opposed to my iPod as when I’m playing my iPod, it’s all of my favourite songs so I feel more inclined to pay more attention to the music. If it’s just the radio, I can ignore it.

Question #6: One book at a time, or several at once?

As a kid, I’d have multiple books on the go. As I grew older, I became more of a one book at a time reader. Right now though, I have two books on the go. I’m reading the second book in the Game of Thrones series and I’m also reading Cress. The Game of Thrones book is quite lengthy so I’m dividing it up and reading it over the course of a month.

Question #7: Reading at home or everywhere?

My book follows me everywhere. If I have 5 minutes to read, I’ll read.

Question #8: Reading out loud or silently in your head?

I read silently to myself. I do sometimes read to my animals if I have the house to myself. I’m a nerd like that! XD

Question #9: Do you read ahead or skip pages?

Never.  I avoid spoilers as much as I can. I don’t even like flipping through the pages quickly because I fear seeing a spoiler.

Question #10: Breaking the spine or keeping it new?

Keeping it new. Breaking the spine is book abuse!

Question #11: Do you write in books?

I don’t. The only books I have ever written in were my college text books and even then it took me 3 semesters to actually do so.

No. 20 for 2014

Title: First Love
Author:  James Patterson and Emily Raymond
Book: 20/50
Pages: 260 pgs
Total Pages: 7,554/15,000 pages
Library Book?: Yes
No. of Library Books read:
Version: Book
Next up: Cress by Marissa Meyer

I really enjoyed this book as predictable as it was. I really enjoyed reading Axi’s and Robinson’s story and getting to know their characters. I had the ending pegged about eighteen pages into the book but it was still an enjoyable read.

I think this book is similar (but different) than The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. TFiOS is definitely a much better read but for those who enjoyed TFiOS, you should check this one out.

About the Book:

Axi Moore is a “good girl”: She studies hard, stays out of the spotlight, and doesn’t tell anyone how all she really wants is to run away from it all. The only person she can tell is her best friend, Robinson–who she also happens to be madly in love with.When Axi spontaneously invites Robinson to come with her on an impulsive cross-country road trip, she breaks the rules for the first time in her life. But the adventure quickly turns from carefree to out of control after the teens find themselves on the run from the police. And when Robinson suddenly collapses, Axi has to face the truth that this trip might be his last.

No. 19 for 2014

Title: Will Grayson, Will Grayson
Author:  James Green and David Levithan
Book: 19/50
Pages: 306 pgs
Total Pages: 7,294/15,000 pages
Library Book?: Yes
No. of Library Books read: 
Version: Book
Next up: First Love by James Patterson and Emily Raymond

This book was pretty good. Funny in spots but it wasn’t my favourite  John Green book. There’s no surprise that my favourite Will Grayson was Green’s version. Levithan’s writing style took me a little while to get used too with his use of the lower case letters but overall, this book was good. Definitely worth the read.

About the Book:

One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, two teens—both named Will Grayson—are about to cross paths. As their worlds collide and intertwine, the Will Graysons find their lives going in new and unexpected directions, building toward romantic turns-of-heart and the epic production of history’s most fabulous high school musical.

No. 18 for 2014

Title: The Distance Between us
Author:  Kasie West
Book: 18/50
Pages: 312 pgs
Total Pages: 6,988/15,000 pages
Library Book?: Yes
No. of Library Books read: 
Version: Book
Next up: Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Leviathan

This book was okay. The story was enjoyable enough but the main character, Cayman, got a little annoying and whiny at times. I enjoyed Xander and I wished that we got to know him a bit better.

This was a fast read and somewhat enjoyable but I’m not sure if I’m going to check out any other books by this author. I didn’t <i>love</i> this book enough to.

About the Book:

Seventeen-year-old Caymen Meyers studies the rich like her own personal science experiment, and after years of observation she’s pretty sure they’re only good for one thing—spending money on useless stuff, like the porcelain dolls in her mother’s shop.So when Xander Spence walks into the store to pick up a doll for his grandmother, it only takes one glance for Caymen to figure out he’s oozing rich. Despite his charming ways and that he’s one of the first people who actually gets her, she’s smart enough to know his interest won’t last. Because if there’s one thing she’s learned from her mother’s warnings, it’s that the rich have a short attention span. But Xander keeps coming around, despite her best efforts to scare him off. And much to her dismay, she’s beginning to enjoy his company.

She knows her mom can’t find out—she wouldn’t approve. She’d much rather Caymen hang out with the local rocker who hasn’t been raised by money. But just when Xander’s attention and loyalty are about to convince Caymen that being rich isn’t a character flaw, she finds out that money is a much bigger part of their relationship than she’d ever realized. And that Xander’s not the only one she should’ve been worried about.

TBR (To Be Read) Pile.

*EDIT (January 24, 2015): I decided to make my TBR a page on my blog and I intend to keep that page up to date. Please go here to see my up to date TBR. This post will no longer be updated as of today.* 

My TBR pile is growing out of control. Very, very, VERY, out of control.

To remedy this, I’m going to list the books I own that I still need to read here. Once or twice a month, I’m going to use a RNG to select a random number and the book that corresponds with that number is the book that is going to be read. I hope this will help get my TBR pile under control again.

When it comes to a series, if the selection is a book that is a part of a series and is not book one (or the next book in the series that I have read), then I will revert to reading book one/the next book of the series instead of the book that was chosen because yes, I’d like to read a series in order.

BOOKS READ: 17/278

TBR Pile

1. Incarnate (Newsoul #1) by Jodi Meadows (Read in June 2014)
2. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman (Read in June 2014)
3. Eon (Dragoneye Reborn (Eon #1) by Allison Goodman
4. Eona: The Last Dragoneye (Eon #2) by Allison Goodman
5. Ms. Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs (Read in November 2014)
6. Hollow City (Ms. Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children #2) by Ransom Riggs
7. Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass #1) by Sarah J. Maas
8. The Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass #2) by Sarah J. Maas
9. Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass #3) by Sarah J. Maas (I don’t own this one yet but intend to buy it soon!)
10. The Assassin’s Blade (Throne of Glass #0.1-0.5) by Sarah J. Maas
11. The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle #1) by Patrick Rothfuss (Read in September 2014)
12. The Wiseman’s Fear (The Kingkiller Chronicle #2) by Patrick Rothfuss
13. Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
14. The Bronze Horseman (The Bronze Horseman #1) by Paullina Simons
15. Tatiana and Alexander (The Bronze Horseman #2) by Paullina Simons
16. The Summer Garden (The Bronze Horseman #3) by Paullina Simons
17. Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin #1) by Robin LeFevers
18. Dark Triumph (His Fair Assassin #2) by Robin LeFevers
19. Mortal Heart (His Fair Assassin #3) by Robin LeFevers
20. Chinese Cinderella and the Secret Dragon Society by Adeline Yen Mah
21. The Golden Lily (Bloodlines #2) by Richelle Mead
22. The Indigo Spell (Bloodlines #3) by Richelle Mead
23. The Fiery Heart (Bloodlines #4) by Richelle Mead
24. Silver Shadows (Bloodlines #5) by Richelle Mead
25. The Ruby Circle (Bloodlines #6) by Richelle Mead (I don’t own this one yet but intend to buy it soon!)
26. The Darkest Minds (The Darkest Minds #1) by Alexandra Bracken (Read in November 2014)
27. Never Fade (The Darkest Minds #2) by Alexandra Bracken
28. In The Afterlight (The Darkest Minds #3) by Alexandra Bracken
29. Walking Disaster (Beautiful #2) by Jamie McGuire
30. A Beautiful Wedding (Beautiful #2.5) by Jamie McGuire
31. I Am Messenger by Markus Zusak
32. Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices #1) by Cassandra Clare
33. Clockwork Prince (The Infernal Devices #2) by Cassandra Clare
34. Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices #3) by Cassandra Clare
35. City of Glass (The Mortal Instruments #3) by Cassandra Clare
36. City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instruments #4) by Cassandra Clare
37. City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments #5) by Cassandra Clare
38. City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments #6) by Cassandra Clare
39. Rogue Touch by Christine Woodward
40. The She Hulk Diaries by Marta Acosta
41. Loki’s Wolves (The Blackwell Pages #1) by K.L. Armstrong
42. Storm Front (The Dresden Files #1) by Jim Butcher
43. Fool Moon (The Dresden Files #2) by Jim Butcher
44. Grave Peril (The Dresden Files #3) by Jim Butcher
45. Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera #1) by Jim Butcher
46. One Good Dog by Susan Wilson
47. Bared to You (Crossfire #1) by Sylvia Day
48. Reflected in You (Crossfire #2) by Sylvia Day
49. Entwined with You (Crossfire #3) by Sylvia Day
50. The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials #1) by Philip Pullman
51. The Selection (The Selection #1) by Kiera Cass (Read in August 2014)
52. The Elite (The Selection #2) by Kiera Cass (Read in August 2014)
53. The One (The Selection #3) by Kiera Cass (Read in August 2014)
54. Covet (Fallen Angels #1) by. J.R. Ward
55. Crave (Fallen Angels #2)  by J.R. Ward
56. Envy (Fallen Angels #3) by J.R. Ward
57. Rapture (Fallen Angels #4) by J.R. Ward
58. The Lost Girls by Jennifer Baggett
59. S.E.C.R.E.T. (The Secret #1) by Marie L. Adeline
60. Warm Bodies (Warm Bodies #1) by Isaac Marion
61. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
62. Mr. Penumbra’s 24-hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan (Read June 2014)
63. The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick
64. Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #1) by Maggie Stiefvater
65. Linger (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #2) by Maggie Stiefvater
66. Forever (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #3) by Maggie Stiefvater
67. The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1) by Maggie Stiefvater
68. The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle #2) by Maggie Stiefvater
69. Blue Lily, Lily Blue (The Raven Cycle #3) by Maggie Stiefvater
70. The Diviners (The Diviners #1) by Libba Bray
71. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
72. This Dark Endeavor (The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein #1) by Kenneth Oppel
73. Such Wicked Intent (The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein #2) by Kenneth Oppel
74. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
75. House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus #4) by Rick Riordan (Read in October 2014)
76. Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus #5) by Rick Riordan (Read in October 2014)
77. The Throne of Fire (The Kane Chronicles #2) by Rick Riordan
78. The Serpent’s Shadow (The Kane Chronicles #3) by Rick Riordan
79. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
80. The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling
81. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
82. The Giver (The Giver Quartet #1) by Lois Lowry(Read April 2014)
83. These Girls by Sarah Pekkanen
84. The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay
85. Graceling (Graceling Realm #1) by Kristin Cashore
86. Fire (Graceling Realm #2) by Kristin Cashore
87. Bitterblue (Graceline Realm #3) by Kristin Cashore
88. A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire) by George R.R. Martin <- Currently Reading
89. A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire) by George R.R. Martin
90. A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire) by George R.R. Martin
91. A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire) by George R.R. Martin
92. A Diary of a Mad Fat Girl by Stephanie McAfee
93. The Postmistress  by Sarah Blake
94. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Won’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain
95. Paper Towns by John Green
96. Looking for Alaska by John Green
97. Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle
98. The Lying Game (The Lying Game #1) by Sarah Shepard
99. Never Have I Ever (The Lying Game #2) by Sarah Shepard
100. Wither (The Chemical Garden #1) by Lauren DeStefano
101. Drums of Autumn (Outlander #3) by Diana Gabaldon
102. The Fiery Cross (Outlander #4) by Diana Gabaldon
103 A Breath of Snow and Ashes (Outlander #5) by Diana Gabaldon
104. An Echo in the Bone (Outlander #6) by Diana Gabaldon
105. The Scottish Prisoner (Outlander #7) by Diana Gabaldon
106. Written in My Own Heart’s Blood (Outlander #8) by Diana Gabaldon
107. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightment by Eckhart Tolle
108. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purposes by Eckhart Tolle
109. The Hypnotist (Joona Linna #1) by Lars Keplar
110. The Happiness Project: Or Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean my Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle and Generally have more Fun by Gretchen Rubin
111. Supernatural: John Winchester’s Diary by Alex Irvine
112. Nevermore (Supernatural #1) by Keith R. A. DeCandido
113. Witches Canyon (Supernatural #2) by Jeff Mariotte
114. Heart of the Dragon (Supernatural #4) by Keith R.A. DeCandido
115. The Unholy Cause (Supernatural #5) by Joe Schreiber
116. War of the Sons (Supernatural #6) by Rebecca Dessertine
117. One Year Gone (Supernatural #7) by Rebecca Dessertine
118. Night Terror (Supernatural #9) by John Passarella
119. Good Omens by Terry Pratchett
120. Night World No. 1 (Night World 1-3) by L.J. Smith
121. Night World No. 2 (Night World 4-6) by L.J. Smith
122. Night World No. 3 (Night World 7-9) by L.J. Smith
123. Dark Vision (Dark Visions 1-3) by L.J. Smith
124. Shadow Souls (The Vampire Diaries: The Return #2) by L.J. Smith
125. Schindler’s List by Thomas Keneally
126. Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
127. Intertwined by Gena Showalter
128. The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner (Twilight 3.5) by Stephanie Meyer
129. The Host by Stephanie Meyer
130. The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide by Stephanie Meyer
131. The Dead Girl’s Dance (The Morganville Vampires #2) by Rachel Caine
132. I Am Number Four (Lorien Legacies #1) by Pittacus Lore
133. Darkest Powers Trilogy (Darkest Powers 1-3) by Kelley Armstrong
134. Daughter of Darkness  (Kindred #1) by V.C. Andrews
135. Season of the Witch by Natasha Mostert
136. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
137. Death’s Excellent Vacation by Charlaine Harris
138. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
139. The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider’s Guide by J.R. Ward
140. So Much For My Happy Ending by Kyra Davis
141. Vows, Vendettas and a Little Black Dress (A Sophie Katz Murder Mystery #5) by Kyra Davis
142. A Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
143. The Girl Who Played with Fire (Millennium #2) by Stieg Larsson
144. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest (Millennium #3) by Stieg Larsson
145. Dracula by Bram Stoker
146. Stargazer (Evernight #2) by Claudia Grey
147. Evernight (Hourglass #3) by Claudia Grey
148. The Outcast by Sadie Jones
149. Interview With the Vampire (The Vampire Chronicles #1) by Anne Rice
150. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
151. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
152. Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
153. The Glass Castle: A Memoir by Jeannette Walls
154. Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
155. Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
156. The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien
157. The Two Towers (Lord of the Rings #2) by J.R.R. Tolkien
158. The Return of the King (Lord of the Rings #2) by J.R.R. Tolkien
159. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
160. I Heart New York (I, Heart #1) by Lindsey Kelk
161. The Freedom Writer’s Diary by Erin Gruwell
162. A Wild Affair (Jessica Wild #2) by Gemma Townley
163. Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
164. Charlotte’s Webb by E.B. White
165. Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
166. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
167. Inkhart (Inkworld #1) by Cornelia Funke
168. Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
169. Persuasion by Jane Austen
170. Emma by Jane Austen
171. Northanger Abby by Jane Austen
172. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
173. I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb
174. Bundle of Joy? by Ariella Papa
175. Flashpoint (Troubleshooters #7) by Suzanne Brockmann
176. Hot Target (Troubleshooters #8) by Suzanne Brockmann
177. Home Before Dark by Susan Wiggs
178. If She Only Knew (San Francisco #1) by Lisa Jackson
179. Deep Freeze (Northwest #1) by Lisa Jackson
180. The Night Watcher (Night #2) by John Lutz
181. The Secret Hour by Luanne Rice
182. The Couch by Alisa Kwitney
183. The Lion’s Game (John Corey #2) by Nelson DeMille
184. Sleeping Over by Stacey Ballis
185. The Baby Trail by Sinead Moriarity
186. Babyland by Holly Chamberlin
187. Daughter of the Bride by Francesca Segre
188. Little Bitty Lies by Mary Kay Andrews
189. How (Not) to Have a Perfect Wedding: Before She Can Live Happily Ever After…She Has to Survive the Big Day by Arliss Ryan
190. Monkey Business by Sarah Mlynowski
191. Whose Wedding is it Anyway? by Melissa Senate
192. Love You to Death by Melissa Senate
193. In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner
194. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
195. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
196. The Apprentice (Rizzoli & Isles #2) by Tess Gerritsen
197. The Winner by David Baldacci
198. The Eight (The Eight #1) by Katherine Neville
199. Good Intentions by Joy Fielding
200. The Other Woman by Joy Fielding
201. Life Penalty by Joy Fielding
202. The Edge of Reason (Bridget Jones #2) by Helen Fielding
203. Scot On The Rocks: How I Survived My Ex-Boyfriend’s Wedding With My Dignity Ever-So Slightly Intact (Brooke Miller #1) by Brenda Janowitz
204. Jack With a Twist: Engaging Your Adversary and Other Things They Didn’t Teach You in Law School (Brooke Miller #2) by Brenda Janowitz
205. A Minor Indiscretion by Carole Matthews
206. With or Without You by Carole Matthews
207. The Chocolate Lovers’ Club by Carole Matthews
208. Sacred and Profane (Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus #2) by Faye Kellerman
209. Good Grief by Lolly Winston
210. I Did (But I Wouldn’t Now) (Crandell Sisters #2) by Cara Lockwood
211. Second Glance by Jodi Picoult
212. Mercy by Jodi Picoult
213. Sleep No More by Greg Iles
214. The Memory Keeper’s Daughter by Kim Edwards
215. My Fabulous Divorce by Clare Dowling
216. Expecting Emily by Clare Dowling
217. ….And A Baby Makes Two by Judy Sheehan
218. From Here to Maternity by Kris Webb
219. Northern Lights by Nora Roberts
220. Anybody Out There by Marian Keyes
221. Watermelon (Walsh Family #1) by Marian Keyes
222. Trading Up by Candace Bushnell
223. Sex and the City by Candace Bushnell
224. He’s Just Not That Into You: A No Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys by Greg Behrendt
225. Where Rainbows End by Cecelia Ahern
226. Guilty as Sin (Deer Lake #2) by Tami Hoag
227. Nights of Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks
228. The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
230. The Woman Next Door by Barbara Delinsky
231. This Christmas by Jane Green
232. The Other Boleyn Girl (The Tudor Court #2) by Philippa Gregory
233. You Can Run But You Can’t Hide by Duane Chapman
234. Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell
235. An Ex to Grind by Jane Heller
236. My Favourite Mistake by Beth Kendrick
237. The Partner by John Grisham
238. The Pelican Brief by John Grisham
239. A Time To Kill by John Grisham
240. Queen of Babble (Queen of Babble #1) by Meg Cabot
241. The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen by Syrie James
242. Carrie by Stephen King
243. 172 Hours on the Moon by Johan Harstad (Read in October 2014)
244. Unwind (Unwind #1) by Neal Shushterman
245. Unwholly (Unwind #2) by Neal Sushterman
246. Unsouled (Unwind #2) by Neal Sushterman
247. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
248. Wait For You (Wait For You #1) by J. Lynn
249. If I Stay by Gayle Forman (Read in July 2014)
250. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
251. The Warrior by Ty Patterson
252. Pushing the Limits  by Katie McGarry
253. Obsidian (A Lux Novel) by Jennifer L. Armentrout (Read in October 2014)
254. Beginnings: Obsidian and Onyx (Lux #1 and 2) by Jennifer L. Armentrout (Read in October 2014)
255. Consequences: Opal & Origin (Lux #3 and 4) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
256. Opposition (Lux #5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
257. The Archived (The Archived #1) by Victoria Schwab
258. Unspoken (The Lynburn Legacy #1) by Sarah Rees Brennan
259. Proxy (Proxy #1) by Alex London
260. The Rithmatist (Rithmatist #1) by Brandon Sanderson
261. Mistborn: The Final Empire (Mistborn #1) by Brandon Sanderson
262. The Well of Ascension (Mistborn #2) by Brandon Sanderson
263. The Hero of Ages (Mistborn #3) by Brandon Sanderson
264. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
265. The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton
266. The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastard #1) by Scott Lynch
267. 1984 by George Orwell
268. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
269. The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery
270. The Shining by Stephen King
271. The Maze Runner (Maze Runner #1) by James Dashner (Read September 2014)
272. The Young Elites by Marie Lu
273. The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making (Fairyland #1) by Catherynne M. Valente and Anita Juan
274. The Winter Sea (Slains #1) by Suzanne Kearsley
275. How to Train Your Dragon (How to Train Your Dragon #1) by Cressida Cowell
276. These Broken Stars (Starbound #1) by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
277. This Shattered World (Starbound #2) by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
278. The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill (Read January 2015)

No. 17 for 2014

Title: Under the Never Sky
Author: Veronica Rossi
Book: 17/50
Pages: 374 pgs
Total Pages: 6,676/15,000 pages
Library Book?: Yes
No. of Library Books read: 
Version: Book
Next up: The Distance Between Us by Kasie West

This was a great book with a great premise and I’m looking forward to reading the other two books in the trilogy. I loved Peregrine and Aria and I loved their dynamic. The two main characters didn’t like each other at first, which is refreshing over all of the insta-romances that are plaguing books these days. Though, when it was obvious that they were starting to have feelings for each other, I found myself wanting them to just kiss already.

I would definitely recommend this book!

About the Book:

Exiled from her home, the enclosed city of Reverie, Aria knows her chances of surviving in the outer wasteland — known as The Death Shop — are slim. If the cannibals don’t get her, the violent energy storms will. Then Aria meets an Outsider named Perry. He’s wild — a savage — and her only hope of staying alive.

A hunter for his tribe in a merciless landscape, Perry views Aria as sheltered and fragile—everything he would expect from a Dweller. But he needs Aria’s help too; she alone holds the key to his redemption. Opposites in nearly every way, Aria and Perry must come together to survive. Their unlikely alliance forges a bond that will determine the fate of all who live under the never sky.

No. 16 for 2014

Title: The Chase
Author: Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg
Book: 16/50
Pages: 303 pgs
Total Pages: 6,302/15,000 pages
Library Book?: Yes
No. of Library Books read: 
Version: Book
Next up: Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

This book was okay. I wasn’t sold on the first book in the series and this book wasn’t a strong follow up. I’m interested enough to keep reading the series but it’s not something I’d be dying to get my hands on come release day.

What the book does have going for it is the witty banter between Kate and Nick. I did enjoy that immensely.

About the Book:

 Internationally renowned thief and con artist Nicolas Fox is famous for running elaborate and daring scams. His greatest con of all: convincing the FBI to team him up with the only person who has ever caught him, and the only woman to ever capture his attention, Special Agent Kate O’Hare. Together they’ll go undercover to swindle and catch the world’s most wanted—and untouchable—criminals. Their newest target is Carter Grove, a former White House chief of staff and the ruthless leader of a private security agency. Grove has stolen a rare Chinese artifact from the Smithsonian, a crime that will torpedo U.S. relations with China if it ever becomes public. Nick and Kate must work under the radar—and against the clock—to devise a plan to steal the piece back. Confronting Grove’s elite assassins, Nick and Kate rely on the skills f their ragtag crew, including a flamboyant actor, a Geek Squad techie, and a band of AARP-card-carrying mercenaries led by none other than Kate’s dad. A daring heist and a deadly chase lead Nick and Kate from Washington, D.C., to Shanghai, from the highlands of Scotland to the underbelly of Montreal. But it’ll take more than death threats, trained henchmen, sleepless nights, and the fate of a dynasty’s priceless heirloom to outsmart Fox and O’Hare.

No. 15 for 2014

Title: Siege and Storm (Grisha #2)
Author: Leigh Bardugo
Rating: 5/5
Book: 15/50
Pages: 432 pgs
Total Pages: 5,999/15,000 pages
Library Book?: Yes
No. of Library Books read: 
Version: Book
Next up: The Chase by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg

I have nothing but good things to say about this book! I love the characters, especially the Darkling. I love the plot and I love the world building in this book as well as the first. I absolutely cannot wait for the third book!!

The only thing that I have to say is that Mal is getting on my nerves. It’s obvious that Mal is jealous of Alina’s power but towards the end of the book, he just seemed whiny to me.

To everyone who is looking for a great fantasy series, I definitely recommend Shadow and Bone and Siege and Storm!

About the Book:

Darkness never dies.Hunted across the True Sea, haunted by the lives she took on the Fold, Alina must try to make a life with Mal in an unfamiliar land. She finds starting new is not easy while keeping her identity as the Sun Summoner a secret. She can’t outrun her past or her destiny for long.The Darkling has emerged from the Shadow Fold with a terrifying new power and a dangerous plan that will test the very boundaries of the natural world. With the help of a notorious privateer, Alina returns to the country she abandoned, determined to fight the forces gathering against Ravka. But as her power grows, Alina slips deeper into the Darkling’s game of forbidden magic, and farther away from Mal. Somehow, she will have to choose between her country, her power, and the love she always thought would guide her–or risk losing everything to the oncoming storm.