No. 11 for 2014

Title: Ruby Red
Author: Kerstin Gier
Rating: 5/5
Book: 11/50
Pages: 322 pgs
Total Pages: 4,341/15,000 pages
Library Book?: Yes
No. of Library Books read:
Version: Book
Next up: Sapphire Blue by Kerstin Gier

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I’m not usually one to pick up a book about time traveling but after seeing Ruby Red listed on many of my favourite booktuber’s TBR/Wrap up’s, I decided to give the series a try and am I glad that I did.

The plot keeps moving very fast and the characters are very relatable and likeable. I liked that while our main character had grown up with the idea of time traveling, she knew nothing about it and once she was thrown into time traveling, she wasn’t automatically an expert at it and was frustrated, nervous and excited about it.

And Gideon….I really like Gideon and I can’t wait to see how his story unfolds.

About the Book:

Although I had never seen him before, I recognized him immediately. I’d have known his voice anywhere. This was the guy I’d seen on my last journey back in time.

Or more precisely, the one who’d kissed my doppelganger while I was hiding behind the curtain in disbelief.

Sixteen-year-old Gwen lives with her extended – and rather eccentric – family in an exclusive London neighborhood. In spite of her ancestors’ peculiar history, she’s had a relatively normal life so far. The time-traveling gene that runs like a secret thread through the female half of the family is supposed to have skipped over Gwen, so she hasn’t been introduced to “the mysteries,” and can spend her time hanging out with her best friend, Lesly. It comes as an unwelcome surprise when she starts taking sudden, uncontrolled leaps into the past.

She’s totally unprepared for time travel, not to mention all that comes with it: fancy clothes, archaic manners, a mysterious secret society, and Gideon, her time-traveling counterpart. He’s obnoxious, a know-it-all, and possibly the best-looking guy she’s seen in any centrury . . . .

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