Favourite BookTube/Book Bloggers

I have recently discovered BookTube and let me tell you, I have lost a lot of time watching videos! But it’s so nice to find fellow bookworms that love to gush and rave about my favourite hobby! I honestly don’t know why I didn’t search YouTube for book reviews before now.

Also, I have a few friends that blog about their recent reads so I’m going to do a post with my favourite BookTubers and their blogs and my friends blogs (in no particular order!). I’m sure that this list will continue to grow as I keep watching BookTube and poking around the internet.


1. Katytastic – BookTube Channel & Blog

Katy reads (from  what I can gather so far) a lot of YA fiction. I read a good mixture of Adult and YA fiction and from what I can tell, Katy and I have very similar tastes when it comes to YA fiction so I have enjoyed watching her reviews on different books which has made me put books on hold at the library to check out.  I am DEFINITELY jealous of her bookshelves!! Seriously, you need to watch her bookshelf tour!!

2. Little Book Owl – BookTube Channel & Blog

Again, Catriona reads primarily YA fiction and a lot of books that I either plan to read, have read or have heard about and want to check out. Her favourite book is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak and she participates in various challenges and read-a-thons. I definitely recommend that you check her channel and blog out!!

3. Bookables- BookTube Channel

I’m relatively new to this Channel but so far I have really enjoyed her reviews and other videos. Again, mostly YA fiction but she also reviews movies! I have checked out a book from the library thanks to one of her recommendations and reviews!!


1. Carrie’s Musings

Carrie is a friend of mine and she blogs about books! She is currently participating in the 2014 Book Challenge on Goodreads.com and has challenged herself to 65 books! Definitely go check her out!

2. Dandelion Wine Book Blog

Another friend of mine! She is also participating in the 2014 Book Challenge on Goodreads.com and has challenged herself to 200 (I believe) books. I am in absolute awe! Go check out what she’s reading on her blog!!

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