No. 25 for 2013

Title: Whiskey Beach
Author: Nora Roberts
Rating: 3/5
Book: 25/50
Pages: 458 pgs
Total Pages: 10,659 pages
Version: Book
Next up: Lover at Last by J.R. Ward

There was nothing special about this book. Nora Roberts is getting very repetitive. While I liked the characters, the plot was lacking. A good 80% of the book was just watching Eli brood and for this book being classified as a mystery/suspense novel, well, there just wasn’t that much mystery and suspense.

About The Book:

For more than three hundred years, Bluff House has sat above Whiskey Beach, guarding its shore—and its secrets. But to Eli Landon, it’s home…

A Boston lawyer, Eli has weathered an intense year of public scrutiny and police investigations after being accused of—but never arrested for—the murder of his soon-to-be-ex wife.

He finds sanctuary at Bluff House, even though his beloved grandmother is in Boston recuperating from a nasty fall. Abra Walsh is always there, though. Whiskey Beach’s resident housekeeper, yoga instructor, jewelry maker, and massage therapist, Abra is a woman of many talents—including helping Eli take control of his life and clear his name. But as they become entangled in each other, they find themselves caught in a net that stretches back for centuries—one that has ensnared a man intent on reaping the rewards of destroying Eli Landon once and for all…

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