No. 16 for 2013

Title: Lover Mine
Author: J.R. Ward
Rating: 4/5
Book: 16/50
Pages: 615 pgs
Total Pages: 6,657 pages
Version: Book
Next up: Lover Unleashed by J.R. Ward

While I enjoyed this book, it wasn’t my favourite in the series. I’ve always enjoyed John’s character but there was something about this book that just seemed to lag with me.

That being said, the ending made me cry and it was the best part of the book in my opinion.

About The Book:

Darius, a fallen Brother, has returned to the fold with a new identity and a very different destiny. Now, John Matthew, plunged into the heart of war, must face off against evil incarnate-and rescue his one true love.

No. 15 for 2013

Title: Lover Avenged
Author: J.R. Ward
Rating: 5/5
Book: 15/50
Pages: 642 pgs
Total Pages: 6,042 pages
Version: Book
Next up: Lover Mine by J.R. Ward

I was never a fan of Rehvenge in the earlier books. I was also worried in the beginning of this book when Rehvenge was approached to kill Wrath. But as I read the book, I was eagerly turning pages and I couldn’t wait to know what happened. Last night, I had to stay up until I finished the book. I knew I wouldn’t sleep until I knew how Rehvenge and Ehlena’s story played out. Such a good read and I can’t wait to read more in of the series!

About The Book:

Rehvenge is used to living in the shadows and dealing with the roughest night walkers around—including the Black Dagger Brotherhood. As his secret identity as a sympath is threatened, he turns to the only light in his ever darkening world—a female vampire untouched by corruption, who’s the only thing standing between him and eternal damnation.


No. 14 for 2013

Title: Edge of Dawn
Author: Lara Adrian
Rating: 5/5
Book: 14/50
Pages: 273 pgs
Total Pages: 5,400 pages
Version: Book
Next up: Lover Avenged by J.R. Ward

Once again, Adrian has delivered. I loved everything about this book! I will be honest and say that at first when I learned that this book was set 20 years in the future from the last Midnight Breed book, I was a little apprehensive. After reading the book, there is was no reason to worry.

I loved Mira and Kellan’s story. This book had me tearing up in spots and grinning wildly in others. My only and sole complaint about the book is that it wasn’t long enough. I think this installment is Adrian’s shortest. I can hardly wait to get my hands on the next book in the series!

About The Book:

Twenty years after the terror of First Dawn—when mankind learned that vampires lived secretly among them—the threat of violence reigns as the two species struggle to coexist. The only group preserving the fragile harmony is the Order, an elite cadre of Breed warriors dedicated to protecting humans and vampires alike. And in this precarious world of torn loyalties and shattered trust, Mira, a fiery squad captain, finds that every fight bears an intensely personal cost.

Raised among the Order, Mira has always believed in the warrior’s code of swift—and even lethal—justice. But the one thing she desires more than the Order’s hard-won acceptance is Kellan Archer, a sexy but troubled Breed fighter. In love with him since childhood, Mira once broke through his tough exterior during an unexpected night of rapture, but the next day he mysteriously disappeared, never to return.

Kellan didn’t think he would ever see Mira again—or have to confront the truth of why he left. After abandoning the Order years ago, he now leads a band of human rebels intent on carrying out their own vigilante rule of law. Yet a high-profile kidnapping assignment brings him face-to-face with the past he sought to avoid, and the striking woman he has tried desperately to forget. And as tensions mount and the risk of bloodshed grows, Kellan and Mira must take sides—between the competing missions that dominate their lives, and the electrifying passion that claims their hearts.