It’s Time for a Change!

On Saturday, I made the decision to join Weight Watchers. It’s been a long time coming. I hate the word “diet” so I’m trying to think of this as a “lifestyle change”.

I’m sick of all of my clothes not fitting properly. I’m sick of feeling so blah lately. I go shopping and the clothes that I have to buy are on the higher end of the biggest size the store carries. If I gain another pant size, I’m screwed.

I have tried Weight Watchers in the past and had results. Last time I tried it, I did the online membership only. It was great but it became to easy for me to miss my weigh in and I wasn’t being held accountable so this time around, I joined with a monthly pass and I’m going to meetings and I have access to the online tools on the website, which are fantastic.

Yesterday afternoon, I took my iPhone with the Weight Watchers App and did a walk around of the grocery and bought some good things for lunches and snacks for work. It took me forever to read labels and determine point values but I expect that will become easier once I’m more in tuned with the program.

So far, it’s been pretty good! I’ve had some fantastic meals, which have been all within my points. I’ve already started making healthier choices for myself. When I got to work today, I purged my desk and got rid of everything that was high in points (which was most of my stash). I’m not going to deprive myself of the foods I like and treats here and there. Weight Watchers allows me to cheat and have a treat just so long as I stay within my points. Perfectly doable. I just don’t want to have the junk food so readily available. If I have to make an effort to go buy it, I’ll probably think twice about it.

I’m allowed 56 points, which to me, is a LOT. Yesterday, I had 20 points left over. Today I have 15 left over. I’m supposed to use up all of my points so I’m going to have to start eating more or bigger portions. I’ve been eating a lot of the “power foods” which are 0 points as well. I have stopped going to Tim Horton’s in the morning. I’m going to be making a concious effort to get up early enough in the morning to have a proper breakfast and I’m going to make my coffee at work as I have bought the Tassimo Tim Horton’s cups so I can brew my coffee at work. I’m swapping my sugar for Splenda as it’s 0 points but the one thing I don’t think I can do is swap my cream for milk in my coffee. I’m going to try but I have tried before and I much prefer cream with my coffee. It’s not that big of a deal, really. Cream is 2 points for 2 tablespoons. I use just a bit more than that so I’m going to at least try to cut the cream back so I’m only using 2 points over 4. I rather eat my points than drink them.

Today at lunch I had 1/2 a whole wheat pita with mixed greens and deli ham, 2 tablespoons of low cal ranch dressing and 1/4 cup of shredded cheddar cheese, 12 cheddar rice cracker chips, 1 yogurt and an orange and it was only 14 points! Not bad at all if I do say so myself. It was quite tasty too. I just wished the pita didn’t break at the bottom.

What’s killing me the most so far is the water. I’ve been making a concious effort to drink more water and I feel like I’m floating away! I know that that feeling will eventually go away as my body gets used to it and I do know that I never drank enough water anyway so this is good for me. Thankfully, diet soft drinks, tea and coffee and other liquids also count for the “liquid” component.

Anyway, I’m excited to do this. My weigh ins are going to be on Saturday as that is the meeting I will be attending. I know it’s going to be a slow and steady process but I’m dedicated and ready for it. This week, I’m hoping to be down at least two pounds although more will be accepted.

I’ll be blogging about my progress as it happens 🙂

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