No. 37 for 2012

Title Love in a Nutshell
Author: Janet Evanovich
Rating: 4/5
Book: 37/50 (74% completed)
Pages: 310 pgs
Total Pages: 13,644/15,000 (90.96% completed)
Version: Book
Next up: Fifty Shades Darker by E.L. James

This was a cute story for what it was. I found that the story was trying to hard though. It was a mystery and romance together but in my opinion, it just kind of fell flat. They story was missing vital components of a good mystery books or romance book but that being said, it was still enjoyable. Any fan of Evanovich’s will enjoy this one.

About the Book:

Kate Appleton needs a job. Her husband has left her, she’s been fired from her position as a magazine editor, and the only place she wants to go is to her parents’ summer house, The Nutshell, in Keene’s Harbor, Michigan. Kate’s plan is to turn The Nutshell into a Bed and Breakfast. Problem is, she needs cash, and the only job she can land is less than savory.
Matt Culhane wants Kate to spy on his brewery employees. Someone has been sabotaging his company, and Kate is just new enough in town that she can insert herself into Culhane’s business and snoop around for him. If Kate finds the culprit, Matt will pay her a $20,000 bonus. Needless to say, Kate is highly motivated. But several problems present themselves. Kate despises beer. No one seems to trust her. And she is falling hard for her boss.

Can these two smoke out a saboteur, save Kate’s family home, and keep a killer from closing in…all while resisting their undeniable attraction to one another?

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