No. 2 of 2012

Title: Killer
Author: Sara Shepard
Rating: 5/5
Book: 2/50 (4% completed)
Pages: 322 pgs
Total Pages: 633/15,000 (4.22% completed)
Version: Book
Next up: Heartless by Sara Shepard

I am still loving this series! I had nothing to worry about when I said that I was worried that it would seem like the series was going to drag out with the plot. That is not the case and I love the big cliffhanger at the end. I can’t wait to read the next one!

Book Description from Jacket or Back of Book

In picture perfect Rosewood, Pennsylvania, ash-blond highlights gleam in the winter sun and frozen lakes sparkle like Swarovski crystals. But pictures often lie-and so do Rosewood’s four prettiest girls.

Hanna, Aria, Spencer and Emily have been lying ever since they became friends with beautiful Alison DiLaurentis. Ali made them do terrible things-things they had to keep secret for years. And even though Ali was killed at the end of seventh grade, their bad-girl ways didn’t die with her.

Hanna’s on a mission to corrupt Rosewood’s youth, starting with a very attractive sophomore. Aria’s snooping into her boyfriend’s past. Spencer is stealing-from her family. And pure little Emily’s abstaining from abstinence.

The girls should be careful, though. They thought they were safe when Ali’s killer was arrested and A’s true identity was finally revealed. But not there’s a new A in town turning up the heat. And this time Rosewood is going to burn.

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